Order Form

Please print this form, fill it out, and mail it to us. We also take phone orders.

If Mailing:     Scarlett's Secret
                        1902 Highway 17    Sautee, GA  30571
Please provide the following contact information:
Name:_________________________ Phone:(____)_____________ Fax:(____)___________
Street Address:_________________________
City:________________________  State:_______ ZIP/Postal Code_____ Country__________
Description of Item Quantity Price/each Total
_________________________________ ___________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
_________________________________ ___________ $________ $________
Sub Total
7% GA Sales Tax (If Applicable)
Shipping Cost
If order totals 0 - $50.00 = $7.95
$50.00 - $75.00 = $9.95
$75.00 - $100.00 = $10.95
$100.00 - $150.00 = 12.95
Alaska, California or Hawaii, additional $5.00
Method of Payment: (Circle)
Visa   Mastercard    Check     Money Order
Account #:_______________________ Expiration___________
Name as it appears on the card:__________________________
Thank you for your order !